April 26, 2023 Posted in Moving Tips

Everything You Should Know About Moving Back Home After College

Ah, the joys of college – living on your own, surviving on instant noodles, and mastering the art of procrastination. But eventually, all good things must come to an end, and it’s time to face the dreaded question: what’s next? For many graduates, that answer might involve moving back home after college. Whether you’re excited to reunite with your childhood bedroom or dread the loss of your newfound independence, here’s everything you need to know about living at home after college.

Two college students writing in notebook
Moving back with parents can be financially smart move

Going back home after college might seem like a breeze compared to the stress of moving to a new city or state, but it can still be an overwhelming task. However, with a couple of relocation tips that will provide you with good preparation, this whole process can be done a lot more efficiently and with ease.

There Are Many Reasons for Moving Back Home After College

One thing is for sure once college is over, you will have to relocate, and whether this would be a local move or you have to move to a new state will depend on your circumstances. And for many college graduates going back home is one of the most reasonable choices. There are many reasons why people decide to take this step, so don’t worry, you are not the only one who had to go back to live in their old house.

Living at Home After College Will Be Good for Your Finances

Living on a shoestring budget is practically a rite of passage for college students, but once you’ve graduated, it’s time to start thinking about your financial future. Returning home after college can be a smart financial move, allowing you to save money on rent and other living expenses while you build up your savings, pay off student loans, and plan for the future.

So, if you’re ready to take control of your finances and make your money work for you, going back home might be the way to go. And, once you save enough money, you will be able to pick whatever city you wish to live in.

Job Search and Career Development Will Be Easier

Starting a career after college can be a daunting prospect, but relocating back home can make it a little easier. With your family’s support and local connections, you can tap into job opportunities that you might not have access to otherwise. Plus, you’ll have the time and space to focus on your career development, whether that means attending networking events, taking online courses, or building up your professional skills.

Also, there is no need for you to relocate to Salem, LA, New York, San Diego, or any other city and do job hunting. You can do this from the comfort of your home and move for a job after you already have a contract signed.

Family Support Is One of the Most Important Reasons to Go Back Home

They say that home is where the heart is, and for many recent college graduates, that means returning to their families. Going back home can provide a strong sense of support and belonging, with family members who are always there to lend a helping hand or a listening ear.

Whether you’re facing a personal crisis or just need a little guidance, the support of your family can be invaluable as you navigate the challenges of post-college life. So, if you’re looking for a place to call home, there’s no better option than your own family’s embrace.

Reconnecting with Old Friends and Community Could Be Good for You

The years you spent away at college may have been some of the most exciting and transformative of your life, but there’s no denying the importance of your roots. Returning home after college can provide you with the opportunity to reconnect with old friends and rediscover the sense of community that you may have missed while you were away.

From joining local clubs and organizations to attending community events, there are endless ways to build new connections and rediscover the joys of your hometown. So, if you’re feeling a little lost or disconnected after college, moving back home might be just the cure you need. And who knows, maybe you decide to move in with some of your friends.

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Prepare in Advance for the Move

Relocating to another state alone is not an easy task, but if you plan your move on time, you will be able to do all the work with minimum stress. There are a lot of things to consider before you move, and you need to tackle these things long before you hire long-distance movers.

So before you pack up your belongings and hit the road, take some time to prepare in advance for the move. That might mean decluttering your possessions, researching moving companies, or coordinating with your family about logistics. By taking the time to plan ahead, you can ensure a smoother and less stressful moving experience.

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Create a Plan for the Move

Relocating can be a chaotic and overwhelming experience, but having a plan in place can make all the difference. Start by creating a checklist of tasks that need to be completed, from packing boxes to canceling utilities. Then, set a timeline for when each task should be completed, and make sure to communicate with your family about the details of the move. By having a clear plan in place, you can minimize stress and ensure a successful transition back home. Here is a timeline of things you need to do before you move.

Timeframe Task
6-8 weeks before the move ● Start decluttering your possessions and decide what to keep, sell, or donate ● Research and book a moving company or rental truck, if necessary ● Schedule any necessary home repairs or maintenance
4-6 weeks before the move ● Notify your landlord (if you have one) of your move-out date ● Begin with packing of non-essential items and labeling boxes
2-4 weeks before the move ● Confirm arrangements with the relocating company or rental truck ● Notify utility companies, banks, and other important contacts of your change of address ● Pack up the rest of your belongings
1 week before the move ● Clean your apartment or dorm room ● Pack a suitcase with essentials for the first few days at home
Moving day ● Double-check that everything is packed and loaded onto the truck ● Clean up the apartment or dorm room ● Say goodbye to your roommates or friends

Hire Long Distance Moving Company to Help You

While returning home after college can be an exciting and transformative experience, it can also be a challenging task. Between packing up your belongings, figuring out logistics, and navigating the whole relocation out-of-state process, it’s no wonder that many graduates feel overwhelmed.

But this is not your first time moving, and you will be able to do things less chaotic this time, and the best way to achieve that is to hire a cross-country moving company. By hiring professionals to handle the heavy lifting and transportation, you can focus on adjusting to your new living situation and planning your next steps. So, before you break out the bubble wrap and start packing on your own, consider the benefits of enlisting the help of chosen cross-country movers.

Make Sure You Use All the Long-Distance Moving Services Available

Once you start preparing for a move, you will see that your to-do list is filled with the tasks you could outsource to professionals. For example, you don’t need to pack everything alone – you can hire a cross-country moving company for packing services. So when you are choosing a long-distance moving company, make sure you choose the one that can offer you all the long-distance moving services you may need. For example, if you hire movers from California Seattle Express, they will offer you car shipping, packing, moving services, and much more.

professional movers California-Seattle Express logo
Hire movers that will be abile to do all the tasks you need

Adjusting to Life at Home Might Take Some Time

Going back home after college can be an exciting and rewarding experience, but it’s important to remember that adjusting to life at home might take some time. After all, you’ve spent the last few years living on your own, making your own decisions, and enjoying your newfound independence.

Going back home can feel like a step back, and it can take a while to adjust to the new dynamics of living with your family again. But with patience, communication, and a willingness to compromise, you can navigate the transition and create a happy, healthy home environment.

Respect Household Rules

Living under your parents’ roof again means you’ll need to follow their household rules, even if they seem outdated or unreasonable. Whether it’s a curfew or a ban on overnight guests, it’s important to respect your parents’ wishes and show them that you’re responsible and mature enough to follow the rules. After all, their home is their sanctuary, and they deserve to feel comfortable and respected in their own space.

Contribute to Household Chores

Living at home means you’re no longer a guest – you’re a member of the household. That means you’ll need to contribute to household chores and help keep the home clean and tidy. Whether it’s washing dishes, taking out the trash, or vacuuming the living room, pitching in with household chores is a sign of respect and appreciation for your parents’ hospitality. Plus, it’s a good habit to develop for when you eventually move out to your own apartment. Take a look at this video for more tips on how to cope with living with your parents again.

Ensure that you are Making the Most of Your Time at Home

Going back home after college can be a great opportunity to make the most of your time with your family and explore new opportunities. Whether it’s learning a new skill, reconnecting with old hobbies, or developing new interests, there are plenty of ways to make the most of your time at home. So, be sure to take advantage of this unique opportunity to grow and expand your horizons.

Develop New Skills and Interests

Going back home can provide you with the time and resources to develop new skills and interests that you may not have had time for during college. From learning a new language or instrument to taking up a new hobby or sport, there are endless possibilities for personal growth and development. So, take advantage of this opportunity to explore new interests and develop new skills.

Focus On Personal Growth and Self-Care

This can be a great opportunity to focus on personal growth and self-care. Whether it’s working on your mental health, practicing self-care activities like yoga or meditation, or focusing on your physical health through exercise and healthy eating, there are many ways to prioritize your well-being while you’re back home. So, make sure to take the time to focus on your personal growth and self-care needs so that you can emerge from this experience feeling healthier, happier, and more fulfilled.

Woman practicing yoga
Now is the time to focus on yourself

Set a Date to Move On and Out

While going back home after college can be a great opportunity to save money and reconnect with family, it’s also important to have a plan in place for when you’ll eventually move out and begin your independent life.

Setting a date to move on and out can help you stay focused on your goals and ensure that you’re making progress towards building your own life, and who knows, maybe soon you will be creating your new apartment checklist. Whether you’re planning to move out in six months or two years, having a clear timeline in place can help you stay motivated and on track.

Moving Back Home Might Be the Best Decision You Made

Going back home after college can be a difficult decision, but it can ultimately lead to a brighter future. Whether you’re looking to save money, reconnect with family, or jump-start your career, relocating back home can provide the support and stability you need to achieve your goals. So, if you’re considering a move back home, don’t hesitate to take the leap – it might just be the best decision you’ve ever made.

And if you’re planning a cross-country move, movers from Seattle to California can make the process smoother and less stressful. Contact California-Seattle Express today and ask for a free quote for your upcoming move.


Is It Common for College Graduates to Move Back in with Their Parents?

Yes, it’s quite common for college graduates to move back in with their parents after college. Many graduates find themselves facing a tough job market, high living costs, or other financial challenges that make it difficult to live independently.

How Can I Make the Transition Back Home Easier?

To make the transition back home easier, it’s important to communicate openly with your family, establish boundaries, and set expectations for living arrangements and responsibilities. Additionally, it’s helpful to stay focused on your goals and maintain a positive attitude.

What Are Some Advantages of Moving Back Home after College?

The advantages of returning home after college can include saving money on rent and other living expenses, having a strong support system, and being able to focus on job search or career development.

What Are Some Disadvantages of Relocating Back Home after College?

Disadvantages can include feeling like a step back in your independence, navigating new dynamics with your family, and feeling disconnected from your college friends and community.

How Long Should I Plan to Stay at Home after College?

The length of time you should plan to stay at home after college can vary depending on your individual circumstances and goals. Some graduates stay at home for a few months, while others stay for a few years to save money or pay off debt.

What Should I Do If I Don’t Want to Move Back Home after College?

If you don’t want to move back home after college, there are many other options to consider. You could look for a roommate or shared living arrangement, consider moving to a more affordable city or town, or explore other housing options that fit your budget and lifestyle.

Daisy Wilson

Daisy was born in Salt Lake City and in her free time, she writes about moving and watches Charmed.

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